
New in: Finland buys

I went to Finland probably a month ago, but I didn't manage to put pictures here up until now. (Sorry, for that)
In general I had a great time in Finland with my classmate Merily, everything I bought was on sale except from this cross bracelet, but I couldn't leave it there.  Anyways, here are the things I bought:

[1] Laptop case from Gina Tricot  (that I want to use as a clutch)
[2] & [3] Denim shorts from Gina Tricot 
[4] Golden cuff from GinaTricot (I've wanted this for a long time, since I first saw them on Asos and now I have one too)
[5] Cross bracelet from GinaTricot
[6] Striped black shirt from GinaTriocot



Long time no see!
My classmate Liisa was kind enough and let me use her camera, so today after school I went to the Old Town to take some pictures!

On Friday I went to this really amazing fashion show called "Fashion Plane" I must say I really liked some collections. It took place in an old port and there was extremely cold, but it didn't ruin my evening. I will try to put some pictures from the show up, but for now all I have is the pictures of the runway!

last 2 pictures from: www.le-tee.blogspot.com


Fashion Show

Last Friday there was a fashion show in my school. Lizeth asked me to be her model and I was happy to help her out. The theme was "Hello, Africa". The show went great and guess what? We won! So now we can participate in another, more bigger fashion show, which will take place in 2 weeks. Hope you're excited, because I am!

PS. I'm addicted to 90210, can't stop watching it!

27.jaanuaril toimus minu koolis moeshow, teemaks "Hello Africa". Lizeth küsis kas ma tuleksin talle modelliks ja ma olin nõus. Show oli väga lahe, mõned kollektsioonid olid lihtsalt vapustavad ja meil vedas ka, sest et me võitsime! Nüüd saame edasi minna Sedamoodi-le võistlema juba ülejärgmisel pühapäeval! Võite kõik tulla meile kaasa elama Kanutiaeda!