Euronews interviewed a lot people that day, because of the Albert's wedding.

Viiendal päeval otsustasime sõita Monakosse. Sõitsime sinna bussiga nr.100. Mingi aeg tuli meile peretuttav vastu ja tegi väikese ekskursiooni Monakos, Monte Carlos ning näitas ilumasaid vaateid linnale. Hiljem pakkusid nad meile väga maitsvat lõunasööki ning seejärel jalutasime ka ise kesklinnas. Kuna pulmadeni oli sel ajal 2 päeva, siis vanalinnas oli päris palju politseid ning ka palju telekanaleid. Peale jalutuskäiku käisime õhtusöögil restoranis 'Le Michelangelo'.
On the fifth day we decided to go to Monaco. We went there by bus nr.100. Some time a family friend came to pick us up and showed us Monaco, Monte Carlo and some beautiful views of the city. Later we had lunch with them and then walked to the city. Because of the wedding which took place 2 days after my visit, there were a lot of police and tv channels everywhere. After the walk we went to the restaurant 'Le Michelangelo'.
Beautiful photography!!
ReplyDeleteI love this :D
it's gorgeous there!!
Thank you! =)
ReplyDeleteYeah, it is!