
Inspiration: Colours and latest obsessions

Hey! I know I haven't posted in about 100 of years, and I don't really have any excuse besides school. I'll try to post more pictures as the spring is almost here! Until that I hope You can enjoy these pictures! :)
- Lisa

pictures countesy of Nirrumi Hakanson, Song of Style, fashion blogs, google.com



Just a quick photo for you from last Friday. I don't have nothing to say actually. There's not something extraordinary in my life right now. In three days my spring break starts and it's amazing! Really need a rest right now!



Since I don't have my camera anymore, I started to take some pictures with my Smena. Actually I started doing photos in the summer, but then I forgot about it and a while ago I found it again. Here are some of the pictures from my first film. I am quite impressed with the results actually, because I expected them to be more worse. But here they are and I hope you enjoy them=)
The pictures are taken in Tallinn and 12th in Helsinki.