

Today I had a lovely day. Met up with Kaisa and we had some little photo shoot. Tomorrow is a first day of my high school. Nervous!
I'm wearing vintage blazer, top and shorts from New Yorker, watch and glasses from Seppälä, sneakers by Vans.

Tänase päeva esimese poole veetsin ma Kaisaga Lauluväljakul, kus me temaga pilte tegime. Hiljem sain Karoliniga kokku ja käisime temaga JJ-Street'i avatud uste päeval. Mulle igatahes meeldis!
Pintsak on vintage, särk ja lühikesed püksid New Yorker'ist, kell ja prillid Seppäläst, ketsid - Vans.


First vlog

Please don't mind the accent and my English mistakes. I just wanted to try something new and please TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!

Tegin teile väikese video inglise keeles sellest, mida ma ostsin Rootsis. Vabndust vigade pärast ja öelge mis te arvate sellest! ;)



Yesterday I met up with Katrin, who I haven't seen for ages. We did some pictures, talked and and walked in the Old Town. It was so beautiful there as always.
I'm wearing vintage blazer and necklace, shirt from Stradivarius, selfmade skirt and sneakers by Vans.
And today I'm going to Stockholm/Sweden. I'm Excited!



Yesterday I had a great shoot with Doris. We went to this old house and then chose the outfits. At the beginning my camera didn't want to work, because it was so dark there, but after that we went to a place, where the lightning was good and everything was fine again. There were a lot of trucks as well.



Yesterday I arrived home from my summer cottage, which is located at Peipsi lake. The nature was just amazing there. Fresh air, amazing sea, different animals and no internet for 10 days. There are just 2 weeks left before school starts and I'm planning to do some small shoots before it and one is on friday. I'm excited! Also I'm going to Sweden next week! Wish me good shopping!



OUTFIT: shirt - Ray Ban, shorts - New Yorker, sneakers - Vans, watch - Seppälä

Today I had a really great day. I met up with Anita and Diaana in the city and then we went to Linnahall to take some pictures. I just have to say, that I love the results. Meanwhile we saw Liis Lemsalu (the winner of Estonia's Idol) near our location place, who was practicing some of her songs, so we basically had a private concert by Liis Lemsalu (she is an amazing singer, just to say.)
One more thing: On Saturday I'm going to my summer cottage for a week (no television, no internet, no idea how I'm going to survive that) so no blogging for a week!



OUTFIT: shirt - Stradivarius, shorts - New Yorker, moccasins - H&M, necklace - C&A

Today I spent a lovely day with Getter. We had so much fun talking about different topics, taking pictures, laughing, walking etc. I always like to spend some time with people I don't very often spend time with. Also one of my closest friends Lala is back from Azerbaijan and I'm going to see her in few days, I'me excited to see her and all her pictures!