2011 overview
Well, it's the end of the year already, can you believe it? Yes, this year passed by SO quickly. I wanted to share some of me biggest moments of the year.
Well the most important thing - I started this blog. I have had some blogs before, but I decided that I need a fresh new start! So here's my blog - I hope you all enjoy reading it!
This year has been kind to me, because I got to visit quite a lot countries: Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, France and Monaco. France and Monaco I visited for the first time and I have to say I fell in love with the Cote d'Azur or French Riviera. I spent a week in Nice and it was all very amazing - beach, weather, stores. I definitively want to visit it in the future again!
Also important moment for me was that I graduated primary school, with the letter of commendation And in September I went to another secondary school and met there a lot of interesting people.
Also this year, I have committed myself a lot to my hobbies: dancing, sewing, languages and photography. I have started learning Spanish since this September and continued learning German. Also I started taking photography more seriously - I have organized some smaller photo-shoots with friends and even strangers, and I really enjoyed all this process. I hope I can deal with it more in year 2012!
And well I have also visited some fun events, seen some great movies, been inspired and much more !

Yesterday went to the local streetdance festival called Baltic Session 2011 and that's what I was wearing. I have to say it was absolutely ah-mazing. The highlight of the day was seeing Benny Ninja. He walked in at least 13 cm high heels and danced vogue. What a fantastic day!
Külastasin eile Baltic Session'it ja nagu eelmine aastagi, meeldis see mulle väga. Päeva tipphetkeks oli kahtlemata Benny Ninja nägemine, kas tuli Nokia kontserdimajja vähemalt 13 cm-listel kontskingadel. Ta oli ka žürii mitemes kategoorias ja hiljem tantsis ka vogue'i. See oli üks fantastiline päev!
OUTFIT: Coat - Bershka
Denim jacket - trifted
T-shirt - House Men
Leggings - Terranova
Shoes - DinSko
Peace bracelet - Lindex
Mickey Mouse watch - Ebay
New in


[1] My new favorite clutch from Gina Tricot
[2] Dr.Marten look-a-like shoes from DinSko by Duffy
[3] Shirt from Gina Tricot
[4] Dress from H&M
[5] Pants from H&M
25.10.11 - Finland

sexy shoes from Zara

Kim Herold on the right

So on Tuesday me and my friend Liisa went to Helsinki to do some shopping! We spent an amazing day visiting out favorite stores and unfortunately didn't reach Kiasma museum, but maybe next time:) Also we saw Kim Herold in the Kamppi Shopping Centre.
Käisime koos Liisaga teisipäeval Helsingis šopingureisil. Alustuseks läksime Itäkeskus'esse, kus veetsime päris kaua ega ning siis ka kesklinna kaupluseid vallutama. Kokkuvõtteks oli meil päris tore päev:) Tahtsime jõuda ka Kiasma muuseumisse, kuid kahjuks jäi aega väheseks:/ Ahja, nägime ka Kim Heroldit Kamppi Kaubanduskeskuses.
Helsinki, Finland

The other day some of my classmates went to the Schnelli park after school to take some pictures. The weather was great and we had a really great time. More black&white nature pictures coming later. Liina's weadges (first picture) are from Cropp Town btw. ;)
Teisipäeval läksime koos paari klassiõega Scnhelli parki pilte tegema. Ilm on soe ja ilus ja koos veedetud oli väga tore. Käisime korra ka Pagaripoistes ja astusime läbi kohvikust EAT (mis muideks kuulub mu klassiõe õele) - Tegemist on pelmeenikohvikuga, mis asub vanalinnas. Kindlasti soovitan teil seda külastada.
Rohkem must-valgeid looduspilte tuleb varsti ka siia ülesse. Liina (esimene pilt) saapad on Cropp Town'ist, kui kedagi huvitab. ;)
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